27th September 2024

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Council Business

The documents below have been selected so they can be viewed as quick links from this page:

Financial Documents

Surveys, Reports & Plans

Framlingham Town Council Tenders

There are currently no active tenders

Council Committee Minutes, Meeting Papers & Agendas

This covers the last three years - you can change the date order first / last etc.

Full Council Meetings - Minutes

Finance & HR Committee Meetings - Minutes

Strategy & Development Committee - Minutes

Planning Committee - Minutes

Lands & Markets Committee - Minutes

Highways, Rights of Way & Parking Committee - Minutes

Communication, Events & Partnerships Committee - Minutes

You said - We did

We have started holding regular sessions at the Town Council office for residents to raise issues directly with Councillors in a more informal setting than committee meetings. We aim to answer questions, help resolve issues, and point people in the right direction if it is not something in the remit of the Town Council.
Please see the news on our website to see the date of the next meeting and a summary of recent issues raised.
Meetings are held in the Town Council Office between 10am to 12pm
Please just drop in - all are welcome!

Last updated: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 16:00