27th September 2024

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Council Committees

Full Town Council Meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend committee meetings and will be invited to speak during "public comment" by the Chair. Time is limited so individuals are requested to keep their questions or comments to a maximum of two minutes.

The Council may be able to reply at the meeting, however most responses are done subsequently by email or letter. Correspondence will also be considered at the meeting, unless it has been passed directly to a committee for consideration.

Meetings Agendas Minutes

The current agenda (with a zoom invite) minutes, and meeting papers are always available a week or so ahead of each meeting, and can be viewed on the meetings calendar page together with the schedule of all committee meetings.

Full Council meetings are held at 7pm on the first Thursday of each month, currently at the Unitarian Meeting House on Bridge Street.
Committee meetings are held in the meeting room of the Town Council office at 10c Church Street. All monthly committee meetings are held at 7pm.

Documents & Reports

Council business, agendas and reports, including all annual and monthly financial accounts are publicly available on our website Documents Search page, or are available in paper versions on request at the Town Council office.

Finance & HR Committee

The Finance & HR Committee deals with all matters relating to what we spend and how we spend it. It is also responsible for resource management of the Council, including employment matters.
Finance & HR committee meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month.

Strategy & Development Committee

This committee is responsible for preparing & co-ordinating the Town Council's 5 year Strategic Plan, the review of the Framlingham Neighbourhood Plan 2016 – 2031, and considering CIL applications.
Strategy & Development committee meetings usually take place on the second Wednesday of each month.

Planning Committee

The Planning & Environment Committee's main task is to review planning applications, and to monitor building and environmental developments in and around the town. The committee is also co-ordinating the Councils approach to the Climate Emergency through a new community led Environment Advisory Group.
Planning committee usually meets on the third Monday of each month.

Lands & Markets Committee

The Lands & Markets Committee is responsible for two main aspects of the town. It is responsible for the organisation of the Saturday and Tuesday Markets, and has responsibility for the management and maintenance of all lands owned by and leased to the Council, and it manages the Pavilion on the Pageant Field.
Lands & Markets committee meetings usually take place on the third Wednesday of each month.

Highways, Rights Of Way & Parking Committee

Highways, Rights of Way & Parking Committee oversees highways, parking, footpaths, grit bins and bridleways within the parish boundary plus Framlingham's street lights, 82 of which are owned by the Town Council. The committee acts as a link between residents, East Suffolk and Suffolk County Councils on these and related matters.
Highways, Rights of Way & Parking committee meetings usually take place on the third Monday of each month.

Communication, Events & Partnerships Committee

Communication, Events & Partnerships Committee manages the framlingham.com website and coordinates all news communication. It also takes a lead role in organising Town Council events and community partnerships.
Communication, Events & Partnerships committee meetings usually take place on the second Tuesday of each month.

Neighbourhood Plan Review Committee

The Framlingham Neighbourhood Plan Review (FNPR) Committee is a new group of Councillors and Residents carrying out a 5 year review of the current Neighbourhood Plan.
Framlingham Neighbourhood Plan Review committee meets on the last Monday of each month.

Sustainable Framlingham Working Group

Sustainable Framlingham is a new community led working group set up to explore and develop activities for both the town and the Council following the Town Council Climate Emergency declaration.
The Sustainable Framlingham working group usually meets on the first Monday of each month.

Last updated: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 16:17