27th September 2024

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Framlingham Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2031 Review

What have we gained from the current plan so far?

Since the Plan was approved by public referendum in March 2017 the total income from new housing development in Framlingham up to 31st October 2021 and allocated to local infrastructure improvements has totalled £1.32 million

Such improvements include:

  • Expansion of the Medical Practice
  • Planned replacement of St Michael's Rooms community project
  • New walking routes & footpaths
  • Pageant Field pavilion, toilets and play space
  • Pageant Field play equipment and additional CCTV
  • Planned replacement of sodium street lighting with LED
  • FAYAP youth club refurbishment
  • FAYAP new town centre venue, and support for their outreach work
  • Contribution to Hour Community wheelchair accessible electric vehicle
  • Planned CCTV for town centre

As of the review launch in October 2021 a further £295.000 awaits allocation to other projects

The Neighbourhood Plan also provides the town with "A Voice" when planning applications are being considered:

  • It prevents unplanned development and provides guidance and control of new development timing & location
  • Provides protection of green spaces of value to the community
  • Gives us the right to say NO

Why is the Neighbourhood Plan Review important?

A five year review of our Neighbourhood Plan is a statutory requirement, and our community needs are changing - we must update our plan

The current plan does not address a number of issues:

  • The merger of SCDC & Waveney to form ESC has produced an updated Local Plan including new housing targets, changes in strategy and more awareness of climate change.
  • The Fairfield Road development of 163 houses was not in our Neighbourhood Plan and is seriously contributing to infrastructure problems in the town.
  • It is difficult to secure District CIL infrastructure funding if the project is not in the Neighbourhood plan, and some infrastructure needs additional funding, eg parking cannot be funded by District CIL.
  • The changes in circumstances and behaviour eg - on line shopping, government housing policy, local demographics, and environmental concerns bring about a need to re-think our priorities.

Its a big task! Taking two years of local consultations to complete:

  • We will be asking for your opinions on lots of issues using many different ways - research on options and needs, surveys of land and property use, meetings with groups, and public consultation events.
  • Please respond to these, and if you can help in any way - let us know.
  • However a recent planning decision by ESC has caused us to defer this activity for the time being.

Launch of the Review

In October 2021 we prepared a display of the Neighbourhood Plan with updated information on the progress to date. This was a "launch display" to ask for your comments on what you think are the important issues for Framlingham.

Framlingham Neighbourhood Plan Review Papers & Responses

We also need your help

We have set up a group of volunteers, and welcome anyone else who has time to offer, whether it is handing out leaflets, carrying out some research or collating surveys.

Please contact the Town Clerk for any details on surveys, and if you can offer any help: townclerk@framlingham.com

Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Meeting Notes

Committee Terms of Reference

Last updated: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 15:35